Eradicating Fatherlessness One Book at a Time
January 10, 2013By Tiffani Knowles

According to an African Proverb, "A fatherless boy is no better than unburied seed."

Author Andre Harrison was once told that the eradication of fatherlessness was an unachievable goal because "you can't force fathers to be active participants in their children's lives."

He firmly disagrees and is championing a cause to eradicate fatherlessness.

"I understand that there will be fathers who will choose not to be in their children's lives but that should not stop other responsible men from adopting and helping to mentor, guide, support and raise a fatherless male to become a man," said Harrison, author of From A Fatherless Father to His Sons. "If we cannot successfully connect fathers with their children then we will find a responsible male role model for a young man to look up to."

To start, Harrison is raising funds to donate 500 books to organizations centered on MENtoring.

Organizations like The Steve Harvey Mentoring Project, Allan Houston's Legacy Foundation, The National Fatherhood Initiative, Focus On The Family, National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse and others across the United States, The United Kingdom, South Africa and the Caribbean have expressed an intense desire for his manhood training curriculum.

From a Fatherless Father to His Sons, published in 2012, is not only a guide for young men growing up without fathers; it is also a manual for single mothers who have been forced to raise men on their own and a how-to guide for absentee fathers on how to reconnect with their estranged children (no matter the age).

Through this initiative, we will decrease the number of fatherless youth will decrease in this generation.

To donate to this campaign, please visit

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