Nancy Dunn was raised in what looked like the typical American family.
"I was raised in California," Nancy tells The 700 Club.
"My father worked in the aerospace industry. My mother worked for a
doctor. On the outside just looked normal, but nobody knew what was
going on behind closed doors.
"My father was actually a Satanic high priest, so he did all kinds of evil things. He sexually assaulted me, took me to satanic rituals. My father actually used me as a baby breeder, which means I was impregnated so the Satanists would have a baby to sacrifice to the devil in their Satanic rituals. As soon as I was able to have a baby, I was pregnant.”
The abuse in Nancy’s home continued throughout her
adolescence. Her babies were delivered by midwives, and there was no
record of their births. By her late teens, Nancy knew she had lost 10
children to Satanic sacrifice.
Here is her testimony on CBN's broadcast.