Confession Booth: Our Plans
May 2, 2012By Shari Grant

One of my sister-friends is expecting her first baby! I got home from Texas where another BFF and I went up to surprise her for her baby shower and get some quality time before her little man arrives.

Between the belly-rubbing, decorating the nursery and brainstorming about names, we talked about the birthing process.

Interestingly, the new movie starring Jennifer Lopez - her second in a string of movies about the joys of pregnancy - What to Expect When You're Expecting hits theaters in a few weeks. As depicted in the movie, one of the things that expectant parents have to give quite a bit of thought to is a birth plan. It isn't something that is set in stone because, if you know anything about babies and the birth process, you know that that those teeny-tiny tyrants call the shots.

At the very least, a rough sketch of what you would like to see happen, is necessary. So, Mommy and Daddy-to-be have discussed the ins-and-outs of what they would like to see happen. (By the way, my friend wants limited medical intervention; a pain-med free birth. Ha! Me? I may levitate, scream bloody murder in an unknown voice, and have my head spinning off my body at the first hint of labor pains, but I digress.)

It's funny how planning, on different scales, is such a huge part of our lives. A "birth plan" isn't an everyday sort of thing, but it's just one more example of how we often have to have objectives that we've set our sights on. In life, there has to be a goal in mind; provisions for tomorrow. In Proverbs 6:6-8 we get tips from even the ants, for preparing for the future. When planning, I believe there are a couple things to keep in the forefront of our minds.

Talk to God

When a plan begins to formulate in your mind, who better to talk to than God? As Christians, we have a personal connection to the all-knowing and the all-powerful Almighty God! If we believe He is who He says He is, then we want His vision when setting goals. He can see our lives - from beginning to end - with no difficulty whatsoever. So share with Him your hearts desires and ask Him for direction.

Read His Word and look for confirmation and instruction. He and His Word are one; as Psalm 119:105 puts it, "lamp to our feet and light to our paths." But go ahead and wait until half way into the journey, to begin using your source of light. What might happen? You may find that you've been going in the wrong direction and have to go back to 'start'.

"A man's heart plans his ways, but the Lord directs His steps."

Proverbs 16:9

"There are many plans in a man's heart, nevertheless the Lord's counsel-that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Talk to People Who Know What They are Talking about

Proverbs is filled to the brim with scriptures advocating the seeking of good advice. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), everyone can't give you good advice on everything. Is it time for you to buy a house? Don't ask the dude who's never moved out his momma's basement for tips ( offense to those living in their parents' basements)! You can if you want to, but Lord knows what he's going to tell you.

If you are struggling spiritually, don't seek the counsel of your backslidden girlfriend with no intention of living a life pleasing to God. Seek counsel from those with advice that can bring you higher. Surround yourself with people who will be real with you when you share your plans. They won't sugar-coat their words and give in to your itching ears, but be completely honest. Share with those who will bear you up in prayer for God's direction and blessing.

"Better [to be] a poor, wise youth than an old foolish king who no longer knows how to take warning."

Ecclesiastes 4:13

"Hear counsel, receive instruction, and accept correction, that you may be wise in the time to come."

Proverbs 19:20 AMP

Use Pencil

Life happens. One moment we are 100% sure of one thing, and the next we are 100% sure of something totally different. Not to mention, so many things in this life are just simply out of our control. When we draft our blueprint, we have to leave room for change. Know that no plan is set in stone and try to roll with the punches. I have a friend who prefaces the sharing of all her plans with, "Prayerfully..." Although I don't do this, I get where she is coming from. In James 4:13-15, it tells us that we don't know what will happen tomorrow. Everything is in God's hands and, although I live life and have goals, I know that His sovereignty is perfect.

Don't Go Overboard...Keep Things in Perspective

I have the tendency to become a little too emotionally connected to my plans. So much so that when things don't go as I would like them to, it can be almost devastating. It's so easy to sit and wring one's hands and stress over things going 'just so.' But we are given orders to not worry. If we make the kingdom our primary concern, as it should be, then our needs will be met.

" 'But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.' "

Matthew 6:33-34

With that said, complacency and just waiting for life to happen isn't a wise idea (that isn't living, but merely existing). Have you ever seen stagnant water? It's dirty, funky, and undrinkable. While on the other hand, water that moves can sustain life. So get going. Stressing over what is to come and overly planning doesn't benefit us at all.

We must use our resources-time, energy, education, etc-to do. We may be here for one more moment or another 30 years. So prepare for the thirty years, knowing that only one more moment is a possibility.

Shari Grant is a Registered Nurse in South Florida, where she was raised in a (very!) Jamaican home. Some of the loves of her life are words (both reading and writing them) and missions work. She enjoys spending time with friends and family while living for a good laugh - one that makes her belly ache and her eyes water. Her bottom line goal in life is to make the Lord smile and maybe even serve Him up a chuckle from time to time, too.

Visitor Comments (2)
No more worries! Just prayer passions...
Posted By SHARIG on May 15, 2012
"Turn all worries into a passion for prayer"...I absolutely love that! Sounds like something I need to write down and constantly remind myself of. (It's so funny how we can know things about God, but can so quickly forget them when the boat starts rocking and the winds are blowing.)

So glad you enjoyed the article. Thanks a mill for the feedback! God bless!

Posted By BLESSMAK on May 4, 2012
You are talking about Planning here. PLANNING; and a 'Birth Plan' being one aspect of it.

I mean, though I'm not a woman, not even a father or husband yet, but since the article is about PLANNING, I can still comment yeah.

I liked your advice on avoiding WORRYING. Matter of fact, I may add; TURN all worries into A PASSION for prayer. This Prayer passion, or motivation, is what makes one pray for one hour while others are praying for one minute. Amen!

PS. Perfectly written Shari. Good job!
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