Body+Soul: 4 Hints for Health this New Year
January 7, 2015By Shari Grant

So it’s the New Year…a few days in, at least.  Were your New Year’s resolutions to lose some weight?  Exercise more?  Eat healthier?  For many of us, these are exactly what we’ve decided to be better at in 2015. But for many of us, after a week or two into the year, these healthy resolutions that were made with such steely determination start to feel a little more burdensome than possible.  But don’t give up!!  Achieving those goals is still quite promising.  Sometimes, it’s just your perspective of the task before you that needs to be tweaked just a bit, making the impossible possible.

Here are four things to bear in mind when discouragement about maintaining a healthy lifestyle begins to creep in:

1.      Time

Now some say that eating late at night is a great way to gain TONS of weight.  I’ve heard it argued that calories – no matter what time of day they are taken in – can still cause weight gain, which makes perfect sense.  Time is still important, though.  After a day of striving to make healthy choices, our willpower is more likely to be shot at nighttime.  With cravings wreaking havoc on our ability to say “NO,” that too-sweet dessert or greasy snack is looking pretty good at 11 p.m. 

2.      Cut Back on Soda

Ok, so I know that this may be a blasphemous suggestion, but bear with me.  According the ABC World News (via, soda represents the number one source of calories in the average American's diet. If you find that you’re consuming, on average, 2 or more sugary soft drinks a day, you might be amazed at how eliminating them completely will affect the battle of the bulge.  According to, most soft drinks (single can) contain more than 6 teaspoons of sugar!!  So I’m not suggesting that you should absolutely positively only drink water (although that would be great…), but try substituting for something else that tickles the taste buds.  Sparkling water is a great alternative that I reach for sometimes when I’m craving that carbonated tingle.  Trying drinking it alone, or mixing it with one of your favorite juices.

3.      Not Enough Exercise?

Pedometers are a great way of getting and keeping you motivated.  Many of us are stuck indoors all day and that can be a bummer when wanting to exercise and shed the lbs.  The pedometer will not only track you steps, but as you see the number climbing, you’ll be inspired to keep moving.  Typically take the elevator?  Take the staircase instead and the pedometer number will climb.  Usually try to park as close as possible to your work or school building?  Try parking farther away so that you’ll get more steps in. *Hint: on average, there are about 2000 steps in a mile*

4.      Cooking Healthier

It is possible!!  Things to remember: please do not go grocery shopping on an empty stomach.  Trust me, I’m talking to myself, too!  We tend to stock up on the super-salty, super-sweet, super-plain-not-good-for-you when cruising the grocery aisles with an empty belly.  Another point, don’t make it harder than it needs to be.  Find healthy ways to tweak some of your favorite recipes.  If you love spaghetti and meat sauce, use whole wheat pasta instead of the regular kind, and try ground turkey instead of ground beef.  My Caribbean folks - having trouble kicking the rice and peas addiction?  Try substituting the white rice for brown, use a little less salt, and nix the coconut milk. 

If you’ve set goals for the New Year, don’t give up the war just because you might be struggling.  There are little ways in which you can make the goals more attainable.  You can do it! 

Shari Grant is a Registered Nurse in South Florida, where she was raised in a (very!) Jamaican home. Some of the loves of her life are words (both reading and writing them) and missions work. She enjoys spending time with friends and family while living for a good laugh - one that makes her belly ache and her eyes water. Her bottom line goal in life is to make the Lord smile and maybe even serve Him up a chuckle from time to time, too.

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